I wanted to have an updated version of this mod because I get irritated when my two teens are romantic with each other and then one ages up before the other and then they go days or weeks with no romance because the other is still a teen. You can find that mod HERE This mod has not been updated since May 2016 and reports in the comments say it is broke. The Best Sims 4 Mods For Realistic Gameplay Home Live-Service Games Live-Service Games Lists 22 Best Sims 4 Mods For Realistic Gameplay By Lacey Womack and Jouanna Bondakji Updated The Sims community is full of talented players whove made some awesome realistic mods for The Sims 4. I found one mod other than INTEEN that allowed for teens to be romantically involved with Young Adult and Adult Sims. Help with my mods or sims 4 in general–> Discord Hey Fantacorns Welcome to another sims 4 mod review, in this one I go over the adult life mod by melunn This adds some crazy new social interactions FantacornFam.